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$175 and up
RF1049-Light Blue, White and Green Elegant Candelabra Tall Centerpiece
RF1045-Purple, Lavender and Ivory Romantic Modern Tall Centerpiece
RF1046-Purple, Lavender, and White Romantic Garden Tall Centerpiece
RF1042-Blue and White Traditional and Elegant Tall Centerpiece
RF1041-Pink and White, Stylish and Elegant Tall Centerpiece
RF1038-Purple and White Contemporary and Chic Tall Centerpiece
RF1034-White and Green Elegant and Sophisticated Tall Centerpieces
RF1035-White, Simple and Contemporary Tall Candelabra Centerpiece
RF1030-Peach, Apricot and White Elegant Garden Candelabra Centerpiece
RF1028-Ivory, Green and Brown, Natual Woodland Centerpiece
RF1041-Pink and White, Stylish and Elegant Tall Centerpiece
RF1041-Pink and White, Stylish and Elegant Tall Centerpiece
Abernethy Center, Oregon City, OR. Gazebo garland and large ceremony arrangements in all white and pink garden flowers.
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